Friday, August 2, 2013

June was big!!

June was an amazing month for our family.

We had one week of crazy summer fun with my best friend and her daughter. We beached, hiked, swam and enjoyed our beautiful island while being very very pregnant with 4 kids in tow between the 2 of us.

By Thursday I was exhausted and eager for my pre-op appointment. I went in and met the obgyn that would be doing my csection and fell in love. Not THAT kind of love, but seriously he is an awesome man who made me feel at ease and ready to go through this whole childbirth thing again. That night we sent the kids off to grandmas house for a long weekend and me and the husband headed to a late movie. I couldn't eat or drink past midnight and I was too nervous/excited/worried what if its a boy!!! To sleep so we went to see that google intern movie. It was a good distraction and I made it to bed in the wee hours of the morning. 

We got to the hospital early to sign in etc... And found out that there were all sorts of women in various stages of labor and delivery stresses. This meant that my 11 am surgery got postponed because for some reason they viewed emergencies as more important than my scheduled could happen anytime in the next week unimportant surgery. I guess they weren't aware of who I was! A couple hours late they wheeled me in and the action began.

It all went well. They refused my repeated requests for tummy tucks and/or liposuction but I guess you can only expect so much at a Podunk hospital on an island in the middle of the ocean. A few things that were noteworthy during the surgery:

1. My anesthesiologist was having some sort of home crisis so the ambience of my calm peaceful planned surgery was made extra blissful by the sounds of him answering his phone to talk to the plumber as I was straining to hear my baby's first cry. The beautiful discussion on where to put the dog while the work was being done will be forever seered into my brain as part of the magical experience of  bringing a new life into this world.

2. The doctor asked my husband if he wanted to look as they were pulling out the baby (he is extremely squeamish) and HE DID IT! Yep, he has now seen my insides hanging out. There's no going back from that. He's still too scarred to discuss what was on the other side of that curtain. His only comment in the moment was him leaning down and whispering "phew! It's a girl" in a very deadpan tone.

3. Oh yeah, and we had a healthy 6lb 3oz baby girl! (I already forgot how long she was and I'm too lazy to go check) 

I made it through everything and so did she. In a miraculous turn of events I felt more like I had been run over by tonka trucks postpartum rather than the semi truck feeling I got after previous pregnancies. I made it up and out of bed early the next morning and managed to pee without a tube stuck up me and brush my teeth. I stepped out of the bathroom after accomplishing these amazing feats to find my friend stopping by for a visit. Did I mention that she's a photographer and that I just stood up for the first time and all I had accomplished so far was peeing and brushing my teeth? Yep, that's how I roll. She then miraculously was able to take beautiful pictures of my baby. My favorite are the ones where I'm blurry in the background. I wish all pictures could be like that, proof that I was there but no evidence of exactly what I looked like/how much I weighed. Is there an app for that?

I got in an argument that would have turned into a brawl if it werent for my excellent pain meds with a night nurse on the second night. The next morning I got the doctors to discharge me and baby a day early so we could get the hell out of dodge. Home has never seemed so magical! 

Fast forward to the end of the first week and my best friend had her baby who is quite possibly even more perfect than my perfect baby. Mine is bald and pale and has the whole she's going to become adorable thing going for her. My friends was born with perfect almond skin and the most beautiful lips to ever grace a baby plus she had enough thick dark hair to put a hair clip in. Yep, they won this round but we're catching up fast. I brought my baby to the hospital to meet her new best friend for life whether she likes or not in a moby type carrier. These carriers are a large piece of cloth that you tie around yourself. It was my first time using it and since my baby barely weighed 6 lbs she pretty much disappeared Inside of it just making a large bump in the fabric with her butt. The bump happened to be placed in the middle of my chest and unbeknownst to me until I saw the pictures on Facebook created a lovely third breasted alien look for me. Lesson learned, but not til the world had a chance to see the faux pas.

The last two weeks of the month were just spent at home where I fell in love with each of my sons all over again as they amazed me with their capacity for love, poop, screaming and kindness. They took it all in stride as they made schedules to pick out her clothes and begged me to make a bottle so they could feed her and forced me to allow them to try carrying her and soothing her. Turns out they rock at all things baby and are already better surrogate parents than I will ever be. They are pretty amazing!

Oh yeah, and my husband and I had our 10year wedding anniversary. We celebrated by getting my steri strips removed at the doctor office and getting a jaundice check for the baby. We're real ballers when it comes to celebrating dont ya know.

All in all another great month full of adjustments and getting used to life as a family of 6.

Up next, what happened in July? Tune in next time to find out!

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